Grønn Aventurin Obelisk

En obelisk er en kraftig form, ofte også kalt en lyssøyle, og er kjent som et symbol på oppstandelsen. Plassert som dekorasjon i et oppholds- eller arbeidsområde, forbedrer det feng Shui. Aventurinen hjelper deg når du føler deg møtløs og nedfor.

PrisNOK199,00 inkl. mva.
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Aventurine helps you to make your dreams come true. It stimulates decision making, enthusiastic effort and creativity.

An obelisk is a powerful shape, also called a column of light, and is known as a symbol of resurrection. Placed as decoration in a living or work space, it enhances the feng shui of that space.

Note: This is a natural product, size and colour may vary and differ from the picture shown. the mentioned weight is an indication, it will vary depending on the actual size of the delivered obelisk.

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