Denne stokken vil styrke din forbindelse til ditt guddommelige jeg, samtidig som du hjelper deg å identifisere og helbrede tidligere erfaringer som holder deg tilbake fra å leve til ditt fulle potensiale. Lær å gjenkjenne når tider med vekst og forandring nærmer seg og møte dem med selvtillit og en følelse av forventning.
Finn ut når du skal handle og når du skal være stille. Lær å stole på intuisjonen din. Ved å tilby struktur i form av en stor og mindre arcana som i tidligere tarotkort, men kombinere dem med dristige nye arketyper, symbologi og betydninger som passer bedre til nåtiden, gir DRØMMENE TIL GAIA TAROT et mer personlig, intimt og effektivt system for å bruke kort som veikart for å navigere i livsveien.
How does Dreams of Gaia Tarot differ from a traditional tarot deck?
Dreams of Gaia Tarot features 81 cards, compared to the 78 cards in a traditional tarot. This ‘tarot for a new
era’ is loosely based on tarot structure – there is still for example a major and a minor arcana, but the major
arcana in this deck contains 25 cards, instead of the 22-card major arcana of traditional decks, and this new
deck does not use the traditional tarot symbology.
The Dreams of Gaia Tarot major arcana does not contain the traditional archetypes of the classic tarot. The
major arcana of this deck contains four sub-sections:
1 – Card Zero: One card only, called The Choice Card.
2 – Cards 2-8: Stages of Life
These are archetypes that we all live, whether we are male, female or gender-neutral. They are aspects of our
nature that we possess, or have moved through, or are influenced by.
1. Child, 2. Maiden, 3. Youth, 4. Mother, 5. Father, 6. Crone, 7. Sage, 8. Death/Rebirth
3 – Cards 9-16: Reasons for Being
These cards relate to why we are here and what we are here to achieve – whether it be just the individual, or
humanity as a whole. 9. Knowledge, 10. Wisdom, 11. Healing, 12. Love, 13. Union, 14. Self, 15. Abundance,
16. Destiny
4 – Cards 17-24: Influence
These cards represent different aspects that have a major impact on our ability to make choices and action
17.Journey, 18.Thought, 19.Emotions, 20.Desire, 21.Perception, 22.Intuition, 23.Faith, 24.Integrity
The cards of the Dreams of Gaia Tarot major arcana are all aspects of every single one of us or which
influence us in some way. This makes the reading of the deck far more personal, and applicable to each
individual reader.
The Dreams of Gaia Tarot has a 56-card minor arcana – the same number as traditional tarots, but the suits
are named after the elements:
Earth – representing the spheres of Home/Family/Career
Air – representing the spheres of Thought/Belief/Intellect
Fire – representing the spheres of Action/Manifestation/Being
Water – representing the spheres of Emotions/Relationships/Intuition
The four traditional Knights of the classic tarot have been replaced with four individual ‘advisors’ to the King
and Queen. They are the Seneschal (Earth), The Scribe (Air), The Hero (Fire) and The Counsellor (Water).
The Pages, traditionally the number 11 card, have been replaced with a ‘balancing/realignment’ card.
The deck is designed to be a ‘tarot for a new era’ – it’s a kind of overhauling of the entire traditional tarot
system that is more applicable to the modern age, and more relatable the individual.
Ravynne Phelan
Dedicated to her craft, for the last fifteen years Ravynne (pronounced Raven) has painted on an almost daily basis. Thousands of hours and hundreds of paintings later, many for publishers, self-published authors, and private commission, she now illustrates her own projects and creates divinatory tools for the purpose of helping others become self-aware, creative, expressive, and to reach their potential.
She has developed a unique and recognizable style, and creates illustrations that are magical, powerful and evocative, works of art that open the mind and touch the hearts of many. Her original paintings and prints hang on the walls of countless homes, in many different countries, all over the globe.