Skap den virkeligheten du ønsker ved å endre utdatert tenkning. Brukt for inspirasjon eller som terapeutisk verktøy. Kortene fremhever hva du bør fokusere på for å gjøre utfordringer til erfaringer å vokse på. Når du er klar for å komme deg videre fra ting “slik de er” kan du bruke chakrakortene for å skape vibrasjoner til hjelp med det du ønsker og reprogrammere underbevisstheten til beste for deg.
Create the reality you desire by changing your outdating beliefs
Inspired by the Healing InSight Method, this deck offers 56 cards with a variety of positive, chakra-oriented beliefs that will help raise your vibration and steer your mind toward healthy, affirming thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Each chakrea is represented by a main chakra image along with 7 chakra aspects, which affirm potent qualities that we are all able to access when balanced and in harmony within ourselves. The accompanying booklet explains the Healing InSight Method and provides for each card an interpretation and suggested action to work with.
Used for inspiration, or as a tool for therapeutic guidance, the cards highlight where you need to focus in order to turn challenges into growth experiences. When ready to move beyond "what is", the chakra cards can be used to create actual vibrational alignment with beliefs of your choosing, reprogramming the subconscious mind for good.
Pack Information: 56 Cards and 159 Page Guidebook
Card Dimensions: 9.5 x 14 cm